Here's some of the great things people have been saying
South West Nova Scotia Yarmouth Kemptville, Carleton, Canaan, Raynardton, Tusket Falls, Norwood, Brazil Lake, Lake Annis, Gavelton, Pleasant Valley, Arcadia, Pleasant Lake, Melbourne, Greenville, Pinkney's Point, Brenton, South Ohio, Deerfield, Summerville, Mood Road, Short Beach, Sandford, Lake George, Richmond, Darlings Lake, Beaver River, Port Maitland. Hebron, Brooklyn, Dayton, North side of Prospect Street, Wellington, Chegoggin, Cape Forchu, Pembroke, Overton, Lakeside Road, Milton Highlands, Edson Foote Road , Sand Beach, Chebogue Point, Kelly's Cove, Rockville, Wyman Road, Central Chebogue, Ellis Road (South), Regent Street (South) Tusket, Hubbard's Point, Abram's River, Gavelton, Pleasant Lake, Little Egypt, East Kemptville Plymouth, Upper Wedgeport, Wedgeport, Melbourne, Little River Harbor, Comeau's Hill Lower Wedgeport, Amirault’s Hill, Sluice Point, Surette’s Island , Morris Island Ste.-Anne du Ruisseau, Eel Brook, Belleville, Bellneck, Springhaven and Quinan Glenwood, Robert's Island, the Argyles Pubnico Head, East Pubnico West Pubnico, Middle West Pubnico Lower West Pubnico & portion of Middle West Pubnico, Tusket, Chebogue River, Cape Forchu, Salmon River, Arcadia, Weymouth, Saulnierville, Wedgeport, Belleville South, Pubnico, Trefry Lake, Springdale, Digby County, Barrington, Meteghan