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Spectora Academy + Growth Hub

Welcome to Spectora Academy, your place to learn the industry's top inspection platform. In Spectora Academy, you'll learn the essentials for getting up and running on Spectora.

In the Growth Hub, learn expert strategies for marketing, business growth, and cultivating robust relationships with real estate agents. The Growth Hub will equip you with essential tools for becoming a thriving entrepreneur and business owner. 

Spectora Academy

From easy, efficient videos to full-platform walkthroughs, learn everything you need to know to get started with the industry's leading inspection platform. Included are:

  • Module 1: Getting Started
  • Module 2: Client & Agent Experience
  • Module 3: Spectora Settings
  • Module 4: Templates
  • Module 5: Revenue & Reviews
Spectora Landing Page (4)
Spectora Landing Page (1)

Spectora Academy Growth Hub

Technical education is only one part of the puzzle for home inspectors. Learn strategies for how to market, grow, and improve your business whether you're new to the industry or an industry veteran. Included are lessons and sections on:

  • 10 Things Every New Inspector Should Do
  • Marketing & Sales Tips
  • Business Growth Basics
  • Building (and Maintaining) Agent Relationships
  • Best of Spectora Spotlight

You will also have access to replays of all Spectora webinars, including Kevin Wagstaff's office hours. 

Have questions? 

We're here to answer them. Reach out to our Chat Bubble, or book a call with one of our Sales Specialists below. 

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