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    SEO Checklist for Home Inspectors in 2024

    As a home inspector, staying on top of the digital landscape is crucial. One of the best places to start? Your online presence, and specifically, your website and SEO (Search..

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    don't fall for google scams

    Don’t Fall for "Google" Scams

    The Google Business Listing Scam While each scammer is unique, they all typically open with "I'm calling on behalf of Google" and then telling you that something is wrong with..

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    10 Reasons Why Your Google Ad Campaign Isn't Converting

    Note: If you're using Google Ads in easy-mode (I think they call it "express" or "smart mode") switch your account to the expert/advanced mode. In easy mode you can't modify your..

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    2020 SEO Ranking Factors

    Having a quality website gives a great first impression but doesn't do any good if no one can find it. With any website, you won't get to the top of Google right away. It takes..

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    SEO for Home Inspectors in 2023

    Search engine optimization (or SEO) is one of my most misunderstood practices in the home inspection industry. Here's why:

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    SEO Tips and "Did You Knows" Straight From Google

    Gary Illyes is a webmaster trends analyst at Google who is responsible for helping webmasters make better websites to enhance the search experience. He has become somewhat of an..

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