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Spectora Market Update August 2024

Olivia Oksenhorn 9/3/24 10:01 AM

The world of home inspection is notoriously data-poor. Here at Spectora, we're trying to change that so that inspectors and real estate professionals can make informed decisions. 

Here's a snapshot of the home inspection industry as of August 2024. Note that all averages represent the average home inspection quote and do not account for ancillary services added after booking. 

National and State Average Inspection Quotes

Understanding the average cost of home inspections can help inspectors, real estate professionals, and homeowners make informed decisions.

In August of 2024, the national average quote for a home inspection is $484, which is up from $462 in 2023 and up from $483 in July of 2024 (a 0.2% increase month over month).

month national average home inspection quote
August 2024 $484

The price of a home inspection varies by state. Connecticut sees the highest average home inspection quote at $771, while Nevada sees the lowest average inspection quote at $320. 

State average home inspection quote
AK $559
AL $373
AR $386
AZ $468
CA $487
CO $502
CT $717
DC $479
DE $548
FL $341
GA $456
HI $532
IA $438
ID $441
IL $522
IN $434
KS $471
KY $494
LA $417
MA $593
MD $513
ME $654
MI $430
MN $489
MO $425
MS $385
MT $559
NC $471
ND $509
NE $342
NH $508
NJ $576
NM $483
NV $320
NY $493
OH $444
OK $426
OR $513
PA $550
PR $547
RI $540
SC $420
SD $469
TN $434
TX $473
UT $428
VA $469
VT $637
WA $490
WI $477
WV $551
WY $472

** Data for Florida may be skewed due to the inclusion of insurance inspections

Inspection Quotes by Company Size

The average home inspection quote varies by company size. On average, solo inspector companies see the lowest quotes, while multi-inspector and enterprise-level companies charge more on average for an inspection. 

Company size Average inspection quote
Solo Inspector $429
Multi Inspector $474



** Average quote in 2023

Data Methodology

Spectora's Market Update leverages data from thousands of home inspectors and millions of home inspections, making it the largest database in the home inspection software sector. While representing a substantial industry cross-section, it does not claim to encompass the entire sector.

The dataset, sourced solely from Spectora, ensures privacy by excluding any and all personally identifying information. All figures are rounded to the nearest whole number or dollar amount for precision. Florida data may be skewed due to the inclusion of insurance inspections. Geographical divisions and regions align with NAR standards. National inspection volumes are based on published reports. The dataset comprises US-based inspectors and omits data from inspectors outside the United States. All inspection quote averages represent the average quoted inspection in Spectora 

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