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    Growing Your Own Home Inspection Business vs. Working for a Company

    Growing your own home inspection business is hard. Really hard.

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    Realtors - Stop Asking Your Home Inspector for Discounts

    By Kevin Wagstaff • June 11, 2020 • 3 min read

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    Make Yourself Essential

    Any industry fears obscurity.

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    Why Home Inspections Will Never be Virtual

    There is no shortage of "How X Will Change in a Post-Covid World" and "These Industries Will Never Be the Same" articles. Heck, I even wrote one last week.

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    Laid Off and Looking for a Career Change? See if Home Inspections Suit You

    I'll spare you the typical intro of most articles right now about unprecedented times and record unemployment numbers.

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    Man in a flannel typing on a computer.

    45 Blog Topic Ideas for Home Inspectors in 2024

    Is blogging even worth it, in the age of short-form content and social media?

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    The Way You Communicate With Agents Just Changed Forever

    If you're reading many of the same headlines I am, one thing is clear - remote work trends are going to look very different from now on.

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    What Top Home Inspectors Across the Country Are Doing Now

    I'm always fascinated how businesses in general react to slow economic times. Our industry is no different from others in that they go with the traditional playbook:

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    Start Your Home Inspection Business - The Time is Now!

    Many people would think that this would be the worst time to start a business. You might be thinking, “Start my business now? At the beginning of a recession?! Are you serious?”

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    What Do Real Estate Agents Want from Home Inspectors?

    Real estate agents and home inspectors work closely together, and oftentimes form friendships and working relationships that last for many years.

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