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State-by-State Home Inspector Licensing Requirements for 2025

Written by Spectora | 4/29/22 8:37 PM

With a surging housing market and new technologies for scheduling, billing, and sending reports, the barriers to entry to becoming a home inspector are lower than ever. We’ve updated our home inspection licensing map for 2023. Click on any of the states below to see a breakdown of their requirements and any helpful links you may need during the licensing process. If you're considering a career change as a home inspector, Spectora also has a state-by-state comparison of the best markets to be a home inspector in.

Need training? 

Every state has different requirements, but getting a home inspection certification is always going to give a new inspector an edge. Spectora partners with ICA – Inspection Certification Associates, the largest and most reputable home inspection training provider to meet all of your training needs in both the United States and Canada.



Home inspectors are regulated in Alabama and must renew their license annually. As of 2021, Alabama Home Inspectors must complete 15 hours of approved continuing education annually. The Alabama Division of Construction Management is the regulating body.

License Requirements:

1). Complete 120 hours of approved home inspector education and participate in 35 home inspections OR complete 35 hours of approved home inspector education and participate in 100 home inspections. 

2). Complete and file a notarized home inspector application and mail it to:

Department of Finance/Division of Construction Management
P. O. BOX 301150
MONTGOMERY, AL 36130-1150

Or, complete the application and pay online

3). Show proof of compliance with the American Society of Home Inspectors Standards and Ethics Examination, and show proof of compliance with the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors National Home Inspector Examination. Both tests must be completed 18 months before submitting an application. 

4). Provide proof of drafting of 25 home inspection reports, 10 of which must be reviewed by a qualified home inspector. 

5). Proof of insurance coverage in the amount of $250,000 for errors and omissions, and proof of liability insurance in the amount of $20,000 for injury or damage to property, $50,000 for injury or damage to any one person, and $100,000 for injury or damage, including death, to more than one person.

6) $300 registration fee payable by cashier check, money order, or bank check

Contact Info:

Alabama Division of Construction Management

Phyllis Stallworth, Departmental Program Manager                                      (334) 242-4802                                                                                                           

Mailing Address

P O Box 301150
Montgomery, Al 36130-1150



Alaska home inspectors are regulated by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development. Licenses are to be renewed every 2 years and continuing education is required — 4 hours every year, or 8 hours every two years.

Inspectors in Alaska must also obtain an Alaska Business License. You can register as a new home inspector, existing home inspector, or joint registration.

The Alaska licensing application must be completed to obtain the appropriate certification.

There is a bonding requirement of $10,000 for home inspectors, effective January 1, 2015.


Home inspectors are regulated in Arizona with annual renewal. Continuing education is required – 14 hours in 1st year and 7 hours each year after.

A minimum of 84 hours of training pre-licensing is required, as well as experience requirements (30 parallel home inspections for an “inspector-in-training” license, and 100 home inspections for a home inspector license).

You must pass the National Home Inspection Exam (NHIE) to become a certified home inspector in the state. 

The Arizona State Board of Technical Registration has an application fee of $175. Application forms and more info can be found here.


Inspectors are regulated in Arkansas. The Home Inspector Registration Board is the governing body and license renewal is needed annually. 80 pre-licensing hours are required, as well as 14 annual hours of CE.

As of January 1, 2023, prospective home inspectors are also required to complete an apprenticeship prior to becoming licensed. The apprenticeship training must include a minimum of three home inspections totaling no less than 10 hours. Find a list of current board-approved home inspector trainers here

You must attend a home inspector training school with a curriculum approved by the Board, and 80 hours of classroom training.  Correspondence courses or online courses are not acceptable. The Board authorized a list of schools to teach the “pre-registration” curriculum.

Read the Arkansas code law regulating the practice of home inspection in Arkansas.
Download the registration application form or request one by telephone from the Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board office at (501) 683-3710.

The registration fee is $250 per year. However, for applications received between July 1 and December 31, the fee is $375. That registers you for the balance of the year plus the following calendar year.

Licensing requirements have been updated and are effective starting January 1, 2023. 


We have a free guide on how to become a California home inspector.

California home inspectors are not state-regulated. However, the California Trade practice act (enacted in 1996) prohibits unethical home inspection practices.

The law encourages courts to consider the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of ASHI and CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Association) when determining whether an inspection meets the required standard of care.

More info can be found at the California Contractors State License Board.

24 Hour Licensing & Consumer Information: 1-800-321-2752

Top Markets in California

San Diego

Orange County

San Francisco



Home Inspectors are not regulated in the state of Colorado. A 2017 bill was narrowly shot down to require licenses. Clients and agents will want to see customer reviews and some type of training/certification.

That said, it's a competitive state and there's a lot more to starting a business than a license. Read our guide on how to become a home inspector in Colorado here.



Home Inspectors are regulated by the Department of Consumer Protection, with renewal required every 2 years. 40 hours of pre-licensing is required, as well as 20 hours of CE. They list their approved home inspection schools and pre-licensing courses available.

To be eligible for a home inspector license, an applicant must:

1) Have successfully completed high school or its equivalent;

2) Have earned a home inspector intern permit and performed not less than 100 home inspections in accordance with subsection (c) of section 20-493b;

3) Have passed an oral, written, or electronic competency examination administered by the department; and

4) Paid a fee of $290.

To be eligible for a permit as a home inspector intern, an applicant must:

1) Have successfully completed high school or its equivalent

2) Have enrolled in and completed a board-approved training program

3) Have an identified supervisor who is licensed as a home inspector, is in good standing, and has agreed to perform the supervisory functions required

4) Have paid a $220 fee

The application can be found here.


Home Inspectors in Delaware are regulated by the state. The requirements differ whether you have an active license in another jurisdiction or are applying new.

To become a home inspector in Delaware, you have to apply to be a home inspector trainee if you don’t have a current license in another jurisdiction. If you are currently a licensed inspector, you can apply by endorsement.

Once you have completed a minimum of 75 inspections under supervision, you can take the exam to become licensed.

To Take the Exam:

  • Submit copies of your classroom or online training certificates. Training must total 140 hours and be approved by ASHI, NAHI, or InterNACHI, as well as proof of your 75 inspections.

Contact Info:

Division of Professional Regulation

Cannon Building, Suite 203
861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover, Delaware 19904

Phone – (302) 744-4500
Fax – (302) 739-2711


Florida is such a special state, we made a whole article to explain its licensing requirements!

Home Inspectors are regulated by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Pre-license requirements:

  • 120 hours from one approved training provider
  • Pass the NHIE, FABI, InterNACHI, or CI-HPI exam
  • Obtain liability insurance
  • Pass background check

Continuing education requirements include 14 hours of board-approved education each biennium and a $105 fee.

Contact Info:

Home Inspectors Licensing Program
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783

Phone: 850.487.1395

Top Markets in Florida




Fort Lauderdale

Boca Raton-Pompano Beach


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Georgia.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.

But even without regulation, there's still tons of work if you want to get your business started. We've made a full guide here specific to Georgia.

Top Markets in Georgia



There is currently no state licensing requirement to become a home inspector in the state of Hawaii.


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Idaho.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors are regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.

The requirements to become a licensed home inspector:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Obtain a high school diploma or GED
  • Complete 60 hours of pre-license education from an approved provider
  • Complete 5 ride alongs with a licensed inspector
  • Pass the Home Inspector Exam for Illinois (Consists of NHIE plus a section on Illinois-specific statutes & regulations)
  • Submit application and pay the $250 fee

Contact Info:

Division of Professional Regulation
320 W. Washington St.
Springfield, IL 62786

Telephone: (217) 785-0800
Fax: (217) 782-7645

See our guide for becoming an Illinois home inspector for more tips and information.


Home Inspectors are regulated by the Home Inspectors Licensing Board (Part of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency).

Licensing Requirements:

  • Submit an application, either online or on paper and mailed
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Pass background check
  • Complete a board-approved training program and pass the NHIE
  • Carry a minimum of $100k in general liability insurance coverage
  • Pay $50 application fee

Contact Info:

Tracy Hicks, Board Director
Marianna Kassenbrock, Assistant Director

Phone Number: (317) 234-3031


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Iowa.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Kansas.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors in Kentucky are regulated by the Board of Home Inspectors within the Office of Occupations and Professions.

Application Requirements:

  • 18 years of age
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Submit a 2x2 passport photo
  • Pass a recent background check performed by the Kentucky State Police
  • Completed application
  • Pass the National Home Inspectors Exam
  • Complete 3 unpaid home inspections under the supervision of a Kentucky licensed home inspector with written reports submitted
  • 64 total credit hours of approved training
  • 16 hours of field training, including not more than 8 in a lab
  • Certification of insurance 

Contact Info:

Kentucky Board of Home Inspectors
656 Chamberlin Avenue, Suite B
Frankfort, KY 40601

Phone: 502-782-0563


Home Inspectors are regulated by the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors.

They have a very helpful how to get licensed page that gives the following requirements:

  1. Apply to the Louisiana State Police for a criminal background check
  2. If you are applying for an LSBHI Home Inspection License, you will be required to go through a minimum of 90 hours of classroom education with an LSBHI-approved Education Provider.
  3. Pass NHIE Exam
  4. Complete 30 hours of pre-licensing platform training, as well as ten (10) live inspections with an approved in-field trainer
  5. Attend Report Writing Seminar given by LSBHI
  6. Obtain Insurance
  7. Apply with the LSBHI and pay $200 application fee

Contact Info:

Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors

5211 Essen Lane, Suite 9
Baton Rouge, LA. 70809

Phone: (225) 248-1334
Email: Contact Form


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Maine.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors are regulated by the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.

An applicant for a home inspector license must:

  • Complete a 72-hour on-site home inspector training course approved by the Commission
  • Pass the NHIE
  • Submit the completed application and fee
  • Have at least $150,000 in general liability insurance

Contact Info:

500 North Calvert Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Phone: 410-230-6363


Home inspectors in Massachusetts are regulated by the Board of Registration of Home Inspectors, specifically the Division of Professional Licensure and the Board of Registration of Home Inspectors.

Directions on how to become an Associate Home Inspector can be found here, and include:

  • Complete an application and pay a $225 fee
  • 25 fee-paid home inspections
  • Pass a Board approved license exam
  • 75 hours of Educational Training Credits
  • Proof of Errors and Omissions Insurance

Directions on how to become a licensed Home Inspector can be found here, and include:

  • Complete an application and pay a $338 fee
  • 100 home inspections under direct supervision
  • Proof of mandatory Errors and Omissions insurance coverage
  • Continuing Education Certificates of Completion (12 hours)

Contact Info:

Division of Professional Licensure
1000 Washington Street, 7th Floor
Boston, MA 02118

Phone: (617) 272-4459


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Michigan.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Minnesota.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors in Mississippi are regulated by the Mississippi Home Inspector Board.

Licensing requirements and qualifications include:

  • Completion of high school or GED
  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Completing an approved study course of 60 hours
  • Pass the NHIE
  • Provide proof of insurance in the amount of $250,000 for general liability and $250,000 E&O

Contact Info:

Mississippi Home Inspector Board

Lefleur’s Bluff Tower, Suite 300
4780 I-55 North, Jackson, MS 39211

Telephone: (601) 321-6970


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Missouri.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors in Montana are regulated by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry as of January 01, 2020.

Licensing requirements and qualifications include:

  • Has successfully completed 40 hours of comprehensive home inspection instruction or has passed a Department approved national examination.
  • Is a member of a national home inspector association.
  • Is covered under a workers’ compensation policy or has an independent contractor exemption certificate (ICEC) for the occupation of home inspection.
  • Is covered by a minimum of $100,000 general commercial liability insurance, and a minimum of $100,000 errors and omissions insurance.
  • should register with the Department by completing an application,
  • pay the $80 application fee
  • should document that each person working under the registration as a home inspector

Contact Info:

Montana Department of Labor & Industry

Registration Section
PO Box 8011
Helena, MT 59604

Telephone: (406) 444-7734


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Nebraska.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors in Nevada are regulated by the Nevada Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry.

Initial certification requirements include:

  • Completed application
  • Fingerprint cards
  • Minimum of 40 hours of approved education
  • Observed at least 25 inspections performed by a certified general inspector
  • Pass Original Inspector if Structures exam in last 12 months
  • $100,000 in E&O and General Liability insurance
  • Pay $365 fee

Contact Info:

Inspectors of Structures 
Telephone: (775) 684-1904


Home Inspectors in New Hampshire are regulated by the Board of Home Inspectors – Office of Professional Licensure and Certification.

Requirements are listed on their application as follows:

  • $200 fee
  • Completed application
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Proof of passing the NHIE or equivalent Board approved exam
  • 80 hours of board-approved education

Contact Info:

Office of Professional Licensure & Certification
7 Eagle Square
Concord NH, 03301

Customer Support:
Phone: 603-271-2152


New Jersey Home Inspectors are governed by the Home Inspection Advisory Committee.

Requirements to become a home inspector in New Jersey:

  • Complete application
  • Complete an approved study course of 180 hours, which shall include not less than 40 hours of unpaid field-based inspections supervised by a licensed home inspector, OR
  • Have performed not less than 250 fee-paid home inspections in the presence of and under the direct supervision of a licensed home inspector
  • Errors & Omissions insurance of $500,000 per occurrence

Contact Info:

Keith Miller
Executive Director
P.O. Box 45043
Newark, New Jersey 07101


Home Inspectors in New Mexico are licensed and regulated through the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department.

The licensing application can be found here

Contact Info:

Department of State, Division of Licensing Services
5500 San Antonio Dr., Albuquerque, NM 87109
Telephone: (505) 476-4500
Email: Contact Form



Home Inspectors are licensed and regulated through the Division of Licensing Services.

The qualifications and documents required are as follows:

  • Completed high school or GED
  • 140 hours of approved education course
  • Perform 100 paid or unpaid home inspections in the presence of a licensed home inspector
  • Completion of the NYS written exam
  • $250 application fee

Contact Info:

Mailing Information:
NYS Department of State Division of Licensing Services
PO Box 22001
Albany NY 12201-2001

Phone Information:                                                                                                                     (518) 474-4429

For more details, check out our guide on how to become a home inspector in New York.


To become a home inspector in North Carolina, you'll have to become licensed. Home Inspectors in North Carolina are governed by the Department of Insurance – Home Inspector Licensure Board.

Home Inspectors must complete the following pre-license requirements:

  • Pass criminal history check
  • Pass the North Carolina state exam
  • 120 hours of approved classroom education, 80 hours of field training
  • Obtain liability insurance in the amount of $250,000 and one of the following:
    • Minimum assets not less than $5,000
    • Surety bond not less than $5,000
    • E&O insurance of $250,000

Contact Info:

Home Inspector Licensure Board
325 N. Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: (919) 647-0000
Email: Contact Form


Home Inspectors in North Dakota are regulated by the Secretary of State.

To become a registered home inspector you must:

  • Be 18 years of age
  • Complete the application
  • Submit proof of passing an approved exam
  • Submit proof of current insurance coverage of at least $100,000
  • Pay $200 registration fee

Contact Info:

Secretary of State
600 E Boulevard Avenue Dept 108
Bismarck ND 58505-0500
Telephone: 701-328-2900


Home Inspectors are currently regulated by the state of Ohio.

The state government voted into law in January 2019 that all home inspectors must be licensed if they are being compensated by clients. This bill became effective in November 2019, and the state began accepting applications in 2021. 

To become a licensed home inspector in Ohio, you must:

  • Pass a criminal background check
  • Complete at least 80 hours of qualifying education (find a list of approved providers here)
  • Complete and pass the NHIE
  • Complete 10 parallel inspections OR approved curriculum with a peer review
  • Provide proof of insurance
  • Submit an application and pay $250 fee

Contact Info: 

Ohio Division of Real Estate & Professional Licensing 
77 South High Street, 2oth Floor
Columbus, OH 43215

Telephone: (614) 466-4100



Home inspectors in Oklahoma are regulated by the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board.

Requirements include:

  • Completion of 90 hours of approved training
  • Pass the NHIE
  • General liability insurance of at least $50,000

Home Inspector Application

Contact Info:

Oklahoma Construction Industries Board – Home Inspector Division

2401 NW 23rd, Suite 2F
Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Phone: (405) 521-6550


Home inspectors are regulated by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.

The certification process includes:

  • Passing the NHIE Exam
  • Submitting a completed application packet
  • Submitting a completed Qualifying Points and Documentation form
  • Paying $150 two-year certification fee

Contact Info:

Oregon Construction Contractors Board
P.O. Box 14140
Salem, Oregon 97309-5052

Telephone: (503) 378-4621


Home Inspectors in Pennsylvania are not formally licensed by the state. However, to become a home inspector in Pennsylvania, there are a few steps you must take.

Home inspectors are regulated by the Attorney General’s Office. The state has a rule that to be a home inspector the individual must be a member of a non-profit organization.

Additionally, Pennsylvania home inspectors are required to carry Errors and Ommissions and General Liability Insurance. 

See their resources on consumer protection.


Effective July 1, 2013 Home Inspectors in Rhode Island need to be licensed by the Contractors Registration and Licensing Board.

Requirements for eligibility include:

  • Be of good moral character
  • Completion of high school or equivalent
  • Have been a licensed associate home inspector for no less than 1 year, and performed no less than 100 paid home inspections
  • Passing a Board approved exam

Contact Info:

Contractors Registration and Licensing Board
560 Jefferson Blvd Suite 200
Warwick, RI 02886

Phone: (401) 921-1590


Home Inspectors in the state of South Carolina must be licensed with the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission.

Application instructions and requirements include:

  • Completed application
  • $80 fee
  • Completed Verification of Lawful Presence Form
  • Completed Home Inspectors Affidavit or Proof of certification by an approved organization
  • Pass background check
  • Completed training under an organization approved by the SC Residential Builders Commission OR performed 50 residential inspections

It's important to note that in South Carolina, licenses expire on June 30th of each even-numbered year. 

Contact Info:

South Carolina Residential Builders Commission
110 Centerview Dr.
Columbia, SC 29211

Phone: (803) 896-4696




Home Inspectors are regulated by the South Dakota Real Estate Commission.

To become a registered home inspector you must:

  • Complete an approved course of no less than 40 hours
  • Pass required exam
  • Complete application
  • Pay $200 fee

To become a licensed home inspector you must:

  • Be at the registered level for no less than 1 year
  • Have performed at least 100 home inspections for compensation, with submitted experience log

Contact Info:

South Dakota Real Estate Commission

221 W. Capitol Avenue, Suite 101
Pierre, SD 57501

Phone: (605) 773-3600



Home inspectors in the state of Tennessee are regulated by the Department of Commerce and Insurance.

They have a very helpful “How to Get a License” page that gives the following requirements:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • High school or GED
  • 90 hours of a commissioner-approved training program
  • Pass the NHIE
  • General liability insurance of at least $500,000
  • E&O Insurance (no minimum)

Forms and Downloads can be found here.

Contact Info:

Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance 

500 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37243

Phone: (615) 741-2241


Texas is such a special state, we made an entire article to explain its state requirements!

Home inspectors in the state of Texas are regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). They have some of the most thorough oversight and documentation in the country, so you can find links below.

The application to become an Apprentice Inspector can be found here.

The application to become a Real Estate Inspector can be found here.

Contact Info:

Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC)

P.O. Box 12188
Austin, TX 78711

Phone: (512) 459-6544

Top Markets in Texas


Dallas-Fort Worth


San Antonio


Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by the state of Utah.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors are regulated by the Vermont Secretary of State.

Steps for Applying by Certification:

  1. Submit a completed application and $100 non-refundable application fee
  2. Submit evidence that you are certified and have ACI Membership through ASHI
  3. Provide Verification of Good Standing from your initial state of licensure, if applicable

Steps for Applying by Examination:

1. Submit a completed application and the $100 non-refundable application fee, payable to the Vermont Secretary of State.

2. Submit evidence that you completed 80 hours of education through an approved course provider.

3. Submit evidence that you passed the National Home Inspector Examination, administered through Applied Measurement Professionals (AMP).

4. If applicable, provide Verification of Good Standing from your initial state of licensure and your most recent state of licensure.

Contact Info:

Vermont Secretary of State

Colin Benjamin
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Montpelier VT 05620-3402

(802) 828-3228


Virginia has transitioned from a voluntary certification program to a mandatory licensure program.

Follow this link for training modules, programs, and licensure requirements.

Contact Info:

Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation

9960 Mayland Drive, Fourth Floor
Richmond, VA 23233-1485

(804) 367-8500



Home Inspectors in the state of Washington must be licensed by the Washington State Department of Licensing.

They have a very helpful How to Get Your License page that outlines the following requirements:

Contact Info:

Washington State Department of Licensing

PO Box 3917
Seattle, WA 98124

(360) 664-6487

Top Markets in Washington



Home Inspectors are currently not regulated by Washington D.C.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.


Home Inspectors in West Virginia are regulated by the West Virginia Fire Marshal’s Office.

To become a certified home inspector in West Virginia:

  • Complete a state-approved exam
  • Complete a state-approved 80 hours of education

Contact Info:

Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety

State Fire Marshal’s Office
1207 Quarrier St, 2nd Floor
Charleston, WV  25301
Phone: (304) 558-2191


Home inspectors are regulated by the state of Wisconsin, through the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

The requirements to become a Wisconsin home inspector are outlined in Subchapter X:

  • Submit application and pay $44 fee
  • Submits evidence satisfactory to the department that he or she is not subject to a pending criminal charge, or has not been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or other offense, the circumstances of which substantially relate to the practice of home inspection
  • Pass an examination approved by the department, or as stated on their site “No person may be registered under this subchapter unless he or she passes an examination approved by the department. In approving an examination under this subsection, the department shall consider the use of an examination that is similar to an examination that is required for membership in the American Society of Home Inspectors.”

Contact Info:

Department of Safety and Professional Services
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI  53705
(608) 266-2112


Home inspectors are not currently regulated by the state of Wyoming.

Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended.