The Spectora Industry Snapshot

Median Monthly Revenue in 2022
- Data was taken from January through December 2022
- Companies with less than $100 in revenue were not included
- Multi Inspector companies are 2 - 10 inspectors
- Enterprise companies are more than 10 inspectors
Solo Inspectors
Multi Inspectors
Enterprise Companies
Median Monthly Revenue in Q4 2022
- All data collected from October through December 2022
- Companies with less than $100 in average monthly revenue were not included
Solo Inspectors
Multi Inspectors
Enterprise Companies
Industry Attrition
Solo Inspectors
14% of solo inspection companies reported their 12-month average revenue as less than $100, making them likely out of business.
Multi Inspectors
2% of multi-inspector companies reported their 12-month average revenue at less than $100, making them likely out of business.
Median Revenue in December 2022
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Multi Inspector Companies
Enterprise Companies
Solo Inspectors
Why Down Means Up
Industry attrition, particularly for solo inspectors, means that inspectors making very little revenue leave the industry. This brings the median revenue up for companies still in business.
National Monthly Home Inspections
Based on total published monthly Spectora Reports.
Average Home Inspection Quote Per State
As of January 2023

*Florida inspection quotes also include 4-point and wind mitigation inspections
Northeast ($541)
- CT: $745
- VT: $594 🔻
- ME: $555
- MA: $552
- PA: $518
- RI: $514
- NH: $511
- NJ: $491
- NY: $465
- DC: $462
West ($453)
- HI: $601
- AK: $567
- MT: $513
- CO: $489
- OR: $480
- WA: $469
- CA: $449
- AZ: $441
- ID: $414
- NM: $375
- AR: $367
- NV: $271
South ($437)
- WV: $594
- DE: $504
- KY: $478
- TX: $470
- VA: $463
- NC: $445
- GA: $433
- OK: $415
- LA: $408
- TN: $409
- SC: $390
- MS: $376
- AL: $369
- *FL: $357
Midwest ($439)
- IL: $494
- MN: $489
- MD: $472
- ND: $468
- WI: $459
- KS: $453
- WY: $448
- MO: $431
- IN: $425
- SD: $422
- IA: $420
- OH: $414
- MI: $402
- UT: $397
- NE: $393
Want more data?
Check out our tool to calculate the average home inspection quote in any zip code. Data like this will help you price your inspections and see what competitors are charging in your area.
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