Finding an Orlando home inspector is an important task if you’re looking to sell your home. That’s because you want your house to be in the best shape when you finally sell the place to the new owners. On top of that, you want to be considerate and save the new owners a whole lot of headaches and a lot of money that they would otherwise need to put in to make repairs.
You’ll need a trusted home inspector that will take the time to look at every nook and cranny of your home. That’s because they have a good eye for finding a lot of things that our untrained eyes cannot. For example, a home inspector can see even a small crack in the foundation. It may look harmless to you, but it may be a different in the eyes of the inspector.
A crack in the foundation can pose a dangerous risk such as radon leaking into the home. Imagine an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas that can be fatal with just enough exposure sneaking into your home. And you may not even know it. Another thing can be what might be growing in the places that you don’t see often such as mold.
Because a home inspection requires a thorough check of everything both in the home’s interior and exterior, the process will take approximately 3 to 5 hours.
Since every home inspection must be done from top to bottom, here’s a list of what the inspector will be looking for:
Roof: Are the shingles in place? Are the gutters cleaned and in good shape? The inspector will check if the entire roof is solid and is not susceptible to any damage such as leaks.
Attic: Here, the ventilation system will be checked. Also, the inspector will make sure if the home is well-insulated.
Exterior: The exterior part of your home is as equally important than your interior. This part of the inspection will determine if the deck is in good shape and not falling apart. Also, every window will be checked to see if they can open and shut without any issues. Other parts of the exterior that will be inspected will include walkways, driveways, your front and back steps, and your drainage system.
Basement and Foundation: This is one part of the house that no one should neglect. The inspector will check the house’s foundation to ensure that the foundation is still solid. This will also be a place to pay close attention to as this will be a part of the house where other issues may arise such as mold growth.
Heating & Cooling System: This includes energy source and the method of how the home heats and cools.
Plumbing: This part will include the usual testing of the home’s plumbing (sinks, toilets, showers, etc.). Also, the inspector will make sure if the main water and fuel supply valves are working.
Electrical: Does the house have a circuit breaker or a fuse box? Either way, it will be checked for any blown fuses or circuits that may need to be replaced. This part also includes checking for other electrical functions and even checking for working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
After the inspection, you will receive a detailed report from the inspector. A copy of the report will be given to you in either a physical or digital form. In the report, the inspector will include notes on what was inspected and mention any issues that were discovered. They will also include recommendations on how those issues should be remedied.
The following is a list of statistics regarding the real estate market in Orlando, Florida. Note that these statistics are compared to figures recorded in January 2018:
If you’re buying or selling a home in Orlando, it’s always good to know that it has been inspected ahead of time. If you’re a seller and have not yet had your home inspected, be sure to make an appointment with one in the near future. If you’re a buyer, be sure to get any information on home inspection reports including a follow-up from the previous owners to ensure any repairs have been made.